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Festive Spending and Staying within Budget

Updated: Feb 29

Tis’ the season to be ….. broke!

Festive Spending is hard enough and what with a Recession hovering over everyone, staying within a budget at this time can really take its toll. Not only do we all have to keep up with the rising costs of energy that have hit all households, but we don’t want to disappoint others and not come up with goodies on Christmas Day.

A photo of snowy road and Pine trees.

Let’s be mindful of all at this time, when many are fortunate to be with family and friends celebrating, laughing, eating and drinking, there are plenty of people who are not looking forward to the festivities.

Shopping is not what the festivities are supposed to represent. A recent Radio 2 programme discussed the spirit of the holidays and how important it is to remember family, friends and neighbours, not just with a big gift wrapped present, but with what they may truly appreciate, whether that be a cooked meal, a chat and a cuppa, a catch-up telephone call or a stroll around the park. Little things can really mean a lot.

Here at Workplace, we know it is “more important than ever” to keep in mind our employees and that’s why we not only support the Living Wage Foundation, but we encourage other companies to do the same.

Let’s continue to be mindful of others.

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