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Thank you! - Employee Excellence Award May 2023

Updated: Mar 5

We are delighted to that one of our employees, Roger Manley, has been awarded the Employee Excellence Award for May 2023. This award recognises outstanding employees who go above and beyond, and Roger has certainly demonstrated that with his exceptional dedication and hard work.

A photo of stone house.

Roger is a custodian who is responsible for keeping the public toilets at the Dartmoor National Park Authority visitor centres clean and well-maintained. His attention to detail and commitment to his work has not gone unnoticed by the visitors, who have praised his efforts on several occasions.

In particular, we recently received a note from Emma, who had taken an international coach tour company to visit Postbridge, one of the visitor centres. She expressed her appreciation for Roger's work in keeping the public toilets clean and commented that she sees him at Haytor and Postbridge quite often.

It is always heartening to receive positive feedback, and we proud to have Roger as part of our team. His commitment to maintaining high standards of cleanliness and hygiene has helped to enhance the visitor experience at the centres, and his hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed.

Please join us in congratulating Roger on this well-deserved award. We appreciate his contributions and the positive impact he has on the visitors' experience. Thank you, Roger, for your hard work and commitment to excellence.

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