WORKPLACE has published its 5th annual gender and ethnicity pay gap report this month.
Annual pay gap reporting is one part of the company's action plan to champion equality, diversity and inclusion across all of its work. The report includes a set of practical actions to support a diverse workforce and inclusive culture including reviewing how staff are recruited and developed, and supporting leadership development within the business.
So, what exactly is the Gender Pay Gap? The gender pay gap is an equality measure that shows the difference in average earnings between women and men. Used to its full potential, gender pay gap reporting is a valuable tool for assessing levels of equality in the workplace, female and male participation, and how effectively talent is being maximised.
Although it is illegal, some women in the workforce are still paid less than men for the same job – this can happen when a man and a woman are doing the same role and receiving different pay, or where work of equivalent value carried out by women is underpaid.
Operations Director, Martin Wells believes that “At WORKPLACE we pay for the job and not for the person. That way we can recruit fairly and without gender discrimination.”
Our gender pay gap data shows an overall snapshot taken on 5 April 2021 and includes all WORKPLACE employees. Our median gender pay gap is currently showing an hourly pay gap of 0.0%. however the UK average of all the companies that reported their gap was 15.5% in 2020, so we are currently sitting well below the UK average. Our female employees receive 10.7% less than their male counterparts. The mean gender pay gap, which is the difference between the average hourly rate of pay for male employees – adding up all their salaries and dividing by the number of men – and that for our female employees, is higher at WORKPLACE than the median. This is mainly because our highest earners, the board of directors, are all male.
Committing to the REAL Living Wage We are proud of the fact that we pay both our male and female employees the same rates for the same jobs, but wish more of our Clients would commit to the Real Living Wage. We became a Recognised Service Provider back in 2017, working with the Living Wage Foundation to offer it as option for each, and every request for tender.
According to The Fawcett Society, the UK’s leading charity for women’s equality and rights, “Women are still more likely to be in low paid and low skilled jobs, affecting labour market segregation. 80% of those working in the low paid care and leisure sector are women, while only 10% of those in the better paid skilled trades are women. Feminised sectors tend to be less valued and less well paid – women make up 60% of those earning less than the living wage.”
The London Living Wage is currently £10.85 per hour and covers all boroughs in Greater London. The UK Living Wage for outside of London is currently £9.50 per hour. These figures are set annually by the Resolution Foundation.
WORKPLACE Managing Director, Stephen Guthrie said, “A fair rate of pay results in greater staff productivity, increased motivation and in turn company loyalty. Of course, we need to convince others of the advantages, especially clients who will make their own decision as to whether to choose to pay it. As a responsible, ethical and open-minded business, supporting the Living Wage makes sense within our industry.”